What is the difference between a rooted tree and a grafted tree?


A rooted tree is a tree that is grown on its own roots. It may require more attention than its grafted counterpart, but it is still a great tree that produces fruit. It tends to adapt very well to being in a container and will stay substantially smaller than a grafted tree, growing more into a bush shape. If it is cared for well, it may flower and produce fruit sooner than a grafted tree. Citrus trees on their own roots can be more susceptible to disease and are less forgiving if they are neglected.


A grafted tree is a tree that is made of two conjoined trees. The roots and the bottom of the stem (rootstock) are one tree selected for disease resistance and other desired qualities, while the top of the tree is another tree - the tree you are purchasing. For example, our grafted calamondin tree may be grafted to a flying dragon rootstock. Since grafted trees have roots that have been selected for positive attributes, they tend to be more tolerant to their environment and may produce better quality fruit.

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